My project is sustainable.
I am sustainable.
My project is ethical.
I am ethical.
My project will make the world a better place.
My project will get me more followers on instagram.
My project is urgent.
My project made me happy.
I hate my project.
My project is impactful.
My project will get me a first-class honours degree.
My project makes zero sense without my project statement.
My project makes zero sense with my project statement.
My project will make my portfolio look good.
My project statement made more statement than my project.
My project looks pretty.
My project makes me look more employable.
My project was absolutely necessary.
My project is deep.
My project is award-winning.
My project makes my parents more confused about what I study.
My practice is critical.
My project needs to be seen by the world.
My project is profitable.
My project is expensive.
My project was full of lies.
My project aligned with my true beliefs.
My project saved a life.
My project looks ugly.
My project is important.
My project referenced important people.
My project has substance.
My project was mostly about hype.
My project uses times new roman.